It's also partially to blame for the increase in officer suicides. The only reason that the sergeant is being charged criminally is due to what is occurring across the nation. Officers are being trained and told to de-escalate situations but there are some incidents where de-escalation just will not work. Why, because they viewed the video in Minnesota, the response from the community, and like the majority of good, honest officers in this country they were sickened by what they saw. What is occurring across the nation is that officers are increasingly endangering their lives in deadly force situations. You can clearly observe how quickly the suspect closed the distance between himself and the sergeant. The suspect charged at the sergeant while displaying a knife and the sergeant backed up to increase his distance. In this situation, the officers at the scene tried to deescalate the situation, then used two different methods of less lethal force in the face of the suspect being armed with a lethal weapon. Our country is flooded with people that have mental health issues who are not receiving the treatment that they desperately need. Commanding both Patrol and Detective Units, he was selected as the first Commander. This is an unfortunate scenario that's far to common in our nation. Lt Jim Glennon, a third generation cop, retired from the Lombard, IL Police Department after 29 years of service.